The Most Detailed Photo of the Sun We’ve Ever Seen!

Every week is a good week for space. Being in a time where we can better understand and observe the universe is, in my opinion, one of the best parts of being born into this time (other close contenders include: “the right to vote”, “penicillin”, “The Expanse”.)

Here’s some of the cool space stuff I’ve seen this week, including…

The Highest Resolution Image of the Sun!

Yeah, that’s the Sun. And, those “desert”-like fragments – those are all the size of Texas. Taken by the new Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope in Maui, which can see details as “small” as 18 miles across, the images and video (above) show plasma rising off the surface and sinking back down as it cools. The telescope aims to learn more about the Sun’s magnetism and why the corona is SO g*ddamn hot (yes, that’s my official scientific assessment.) You can learn more about the telescope and what it hopes to learn about our special dwarf star here.

Squid Boats in Space!

Well, “from space”, really. Astronaut Jess Meir took this incredible photo from her 400km high vantage point aboard the Space Station. Looking down on the the Gulf of Thailand, she observed thousands of squid fishing boats delicately dotting the ocean. This image reminded me of peering up through the inky blackness in Waitomo and seeing all the glowworms lighting up the cave ceiling.

Squid fishing boats from the ISS via Astronaut Jessica Meir

The Winter Hexagon!

Math 9 geometry in the sky! Check out the Winter Hexagon formed by Aldebaran, Pollox, Castor, Capella, Rigel, Sirius (one of our nearest stars!), and Procyon in the night’s sky. And, perhaps for a limited-time only, view the Winter Triangle within created by the dwindling Betelgeuse. Also, FUN FACT: I learned that recognizable star patterns like these (that are too small to be considered constellations) are called “Asterisms.” So, come at me with your Scrabble board, bro!

The Winter Hexagon via National Geographic

Bonus Moon Cuteness!

Also, be sure to look up and check out the Moon and Venus at twilight this week (if you’re in my neck-of-the-woods.) Apparently, my friend’s 2-year old daughter peered up at the Moon last night and proclaimed “ONE MOON!” She’s said so few words in her life, so for those to be among the first few hundred…well, I couldn’t have been more proud.