This Biking Documentary Will Have You Dreaming of the Mountains

One thing I’ve found really relaxing during pandemic days has been watching downhill mountain biking and snowboarding videos. The GoPro footage is so high-quality and immersive that you really feel like you are the likes of Mark McMorris throwing down big air on the Swiss Alps. 

So, I immediately dug in when I saw the trailer for Accomplice on Netflix. This 50-minute downhill mountain biking documentary features renowned riders like Brandon Semenuk and brothers Cam and Tyler McCaul taking on spectacular terrain in Utah, Oregon, and – BC’s own – Purcell Mountains. The moves they can pull off are mesmerizing, as are the stunning locations in which they film. Take a look at the trailer below!

Or, if you’re in the mood for a biking amuse-bouche, watch Danny MacAskill’s latest 6-minute video of his hairy descent down the Isle of Skye’s Dubh Slabs. Apparently, they had to make custom brakes for him to be able to handle the steep drops without going Thelma and Louise over the edge. (I’ve never actually seen that movie…did I use that reference right?)

Which biking location do you most want to drop into?