My Favourite TV Shows of 2020

The Queen's Gambit

While 2020 may have been a bit of a dumpster fire, thankfully TV wasn’t. Here are few of the shows I enjoyed most this year!

The Queen’s Gambit

This year, The Queen’s Gambit made all other shows look like mere pawns. It checked so many of the boxes that I enjoy most: a girl taking on the boys club, a fellowship of friends rallying in a time of great need, and persevering despite the odds, obstacles, or questionable chess rankings. Truly an enjoyable watch, and one that didn’t succumb to so many of the tropes that TV so often has for its female leads.

The Wilds

The Wilds is the show watched the fastest this year. I kept settling down to watch “just one episode” and found myself crushing four. The reveals, and further questions they incited, hooked me quickly – as did the idea of being stranded in New Zealand (the show’s filming location) on a beach with no end in sight. Read my full review here

the wilds
via Amazon Studios


Dickinson is like if MTV and your Grade 9 history book collided together. Here, the infamous Emily Dickinson (Hailee Steinfeld) is portrayed as a modern-speaking teen who attends opium-fueled parties and openly calls BS on her patriarchal confines. I watched it in late March – at a time when a joyful watch was perhaps most-needed – and appreciated its awesome soundtrack, bountiful LOLs, and harmless fun. Plus, Season 2 starts on January 13th, so now is a perfect time to get caught up!

Star Trek: Picard

When I first saw the trailer, I thought “Oh….no.” So, I was pleasantly surprised when this next spin-off turned out to be a rollicking good time, filled with some of my favourite Star Trek alums, Borg ships a’plenty, and more Australian and British accents than alien species. Press engage on this new series!

Homeland: Season Eight

While I was initially two seasons late to starting this show, I seem to have been one of the few of my friends who kept watching through all 8 seasons. And, man, I’m so glad I did. The final season was incredibly satisfying, and the perfect send-off for a show that consistently delivered season-after-season. I’ll miss you and your impeccable intuition Carrie Mathison. You really should have been believed more!

The Mandalorian: Season 2

With concerts, restaurants, and social events cancelled, The Mandalorian was sometimes my sole reason to be excited for Friday night. This season continued to be the perfect escapist antidote, and was filled with fun guest stars (STARBUCK!) to sweeten the pot. Plus, Baby Yoda continued to unlock maternal instincts I didn’t know I had. Disney knows what they’re doing here (and it’s sell toys.)

What were your favourite TV watches of 2020?


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