Virgin Orbit Just Pulled Off the Ultimate Transformers Stunt

virgin orbit rocket

Virgin Orbit just pulled off the ultimate Transformers move: launching a rocket from a 747 and putting it into orbit. Which, is impressive, considering launching from a plane provides the ability to launch from virtually anywhere in the world – without needing a “spaceport.” As Wired writes:

“If you want to launch something to the International Space Station, for instance, your best bet is to take off from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. If you want to put a satellite in orbit over the poles, you should probably launch from Alaska or California. Since Virgin Orbit’s rocket is launched from a plane, it can take off from any airport in the world that will allow it, and can tailor the launch location to the customer’s orbital needs.”

Imagine taking off from YVR and heading for space? Yeah, 2054 sounds pretty great.  Although, a lot of norms will have to change for me to be super chill with looking up and seeing giant planes firing rockets on the regular. But, I for one, look forward to our Gattaca future. 

via Virgin Orbit

Another cool thing to note is that the launch had a female pilot at the helm of the 747 –  Kelly Latimer. A former combat veteran and retired United States Air Force lieutenant colonel, she’s old hat at taxiing around space-worthy vessels, having previously flown the NASA Shuttle Carrier. Nice to see women (or at least *a* woman) accomplishing meaningful space milestones.

Have a look at the impressive launch below!