8 Artists to Put on Your Playlist


I’ve always loved sharing the music I’ve been listening to. In high school, I would spend considerable time burning CDs for friends personalized with music I’d think they’d like. My first Facebook group (back when it was restricted to university-only persons) was “Kathryn’s Music Circle.” We’ve come aways, haven’t we? No? No.

So, in the spirit of that, I thought I’d dedicate a sizeable portion of this space to sharing what music I’m listening to or have enjoyed over recent months.

I tend to create seasonal playlists, so since we’re in the deep, darkness of Winter, you’ll find a more acoustic leaning sound. 


I went to two concerts within 3 days of coming back from New Zealand, and IDER was the first one. I’ve been been listening to them for over a year, and their unique blend of synth and vocal harmonies has really grown on me. They refer to “IDER” as the person whose voice is created by their harmonic blend. I’m not a very lyrics-oriented person, but for those that are, they tend to talk about the rawness of youth (their album is aptly named “Emotional Education”), and I find it incredibly easy to connect with.


Freaking dance-party. I saw them back in September and one of them was wearing a kimono and looked like he’d just woken up on his beach holiday, and the other was suited up with tight jeans and a motorcycle jacket. Definitely a bit yin & yang, but man – it was fun. Their concert was a dance-party colour-bomb, and even me – a professional chair dancer – gave in.  They’re definitely a bit more electronic-heavy than I usually go for, but I find their tunes incredibly fun, and a swift antidote to any looming melancholia.


I haven’t heard a lot from Sorcha, but what I have heard, I like a lot. Understated and chill. She did an amazing stripped version of Disclosure and Sam Smith’s “Latch”, which uses a lot of sweet bass notes on the guitar to rally it together in a simple, yet catchy way.


I missed the boat on seeing Mallrat when she came through Vancouver, but I’ve been digging her speak-songy vibe (which is very atypical for me…sorry Courtney Barnett.) Simplistic, but infectious composition. Give it a go!


Adding Leif a little late to the list, because I JUST got back from a concert with him last night, but man…#talent. I had the privilege of witnessing him from the front row. I hadn’t heard more than two songs before the concert, but after seeing him live, I think I’ll forever be a fan. I expected a lot of piano bar-sounding stuff, but he served up a lot of dreamy guitar loops and improvised solos, supported by an impressive team of backing musicians (particularly the drummer.) Give it a go!


I’m seeing these guys in Vancouver this February, and they are exactly the type of low-key acoustic performers that I used to dig a lot in 2005. Holsmey also did a rad remix with their song “Coastline”, which I lapped up over the holidays. Check it out below!


Whilst in the past I’ve found these guys a bit hit-and-miss, I am absolutely digging some of their new singles. Particulary, the one below that brings the drums to the front of the sound. Miiiiight consider shelling out the money to see them when they pass through Vancouver soon.


Ambient City. Sean Angus Watson provides dreamy guitar loops that are lyric-free, providing the perfect vibe to concentrate to or have a conversation over. Trial run a song on Spotify here!

Have a listen and let me know what you think!