Jams for the Weekend

Pump up the jams with these fresh music finds from the past few days.

Womxn – Låpsley

When I first heard this, I thought it was Ria Mae, but it’s not. Tune in for some chill synth vibes by this up-and-coming English artist.

Harvest Moon – Poolside

I dig the summery beach vibe spin that Poolside puts on this classic Neil Young song. Put this on a pretend it’s not winter (I did.)

Oh Oscillator – Sorcha Richardson

I freaking love Sorcha (apparently pronounced Circa – I asked an Irish person!) and I wish more people knew about this emerging Irish talent. I usually don’t listen to lyrics unless it’s Ani Difranco, but find I do with her. Dig. It.

Strange – Gabrielle Aplin

Guilty. Pleasure. It sounds a little poppy ‘til 50-seconds in when a sweet bass-filled chorus comes in. Bedroom danceparty, ahoy!

Hiatus – Ian Randall Thorton

Wind your weekend down with a little acoustic jam from a man with three names. 
