This morning when I woke up, the sun was shining, the natural world was crushing it 10/10…and then I remembered humanity was collectively caught in a COVID-19 blender. An invisible enemy is knocking at the gates as we try to furiously plug any hole or weakness, knowing full well that its tiny, microscopic horse is well within our walls.
We don’t know which of our loved ones will be affected – or if it will be us – what angle the attack will come from, from how close or far, how swift or drawn-out. It feels like the calm before a storm that’s already struck.
Perhaps as a bit of a therapeutic exercise, and in an effort not to succumb to a Borg-esque “resistance is futile” mindset, here’s a few ways each of us can help – right this very moment:
1. Social distance.
Don’t take public transit. Limit physical interactions. Don’t go to restaurants or bars. Get groceries online or for pick-up. Work from home. Remove yourself from situations that involve people and “touch-points” as much as possible. Get some space and prevent being a carrier or becoming infected yourself.

2. Wash yo’ freaking hands.
Seriously. If you weren’t doing this before…I don’t even know. But, break up those virulent bastards with basic soap, water, and a 20-second cleaning regime. (Also recommend reading “Why Soap Works” by The New York Times – perfect for the non-believer/Boomer Dad you know). Now’s the time to practice that Grey’s Anatomy pre-surgery routine you’ve been observing for 16 years.
3. Eat, sleep, and exercise.
Take. Care. Of. Yourself. Eat well, sleep well, exercise well. Provided the outdoors are still available to you, get outside, extend your solar panels, and draw in that Vitamin D. Now is the time to practice a true “self care” regime. Vegetables are your friends. 8 hours of sleep is life-changing. Hydration is important.

4. Serve yourself a big ol’ slice of self-improvement pie.
Thank sweet baby jeebus needlework has been replaced by the Internet since the last pandemic. I taught myself guitar by a) wanting to b) having a guitar c) sheer perseverance and d) online tabs & Youtube. You can, too. Now’s the perfect time to try your hand at something you have no idea about, but would very much like to.

5. Support others.
I’d say this anytime, but being kind and compassionate is more important than ever. Understanding, empathizing, and reaching out (electronically!) to others regularly can make all the difference in these, the darkest of hours. Be mindful of our struggles and uncertainties, and how they make us all feel. Reach out to others to let them know they are not alone and that we’re all in this together. Make peace, and find solidarity.

6. Get the essentials.
Shelter in place could be coming soon. Make sure you have staples you can survive off of. Make or buy some soups in case that’s all you can eat in the coming days. It’s recommended to keep ibuprofen (Advil) and acetaminophen (Tylenol) handy, and procure a humidifier in case you develop respiratory problems.
These are difficult times. I’m personally finding it hard to think of anything else. But, we have to stay mindful of what’s in our control and what’s not. Be a good human by practicing basic hygiene and social distancing, and listen to the protocols you are being asked to perform. It could save a life – if not your own.